Branham’s Cloud

This message will deal with a cloud which I call “Branham’s Cloud” caused by 7 Angels. In this message I will present different Branham sermons on this subject and point out haw he added to each one concerning the cloud. Might be more than one U-Tube Video since I try keeping the videos within a 15 minute time frame if that long.

Branham said on 2-28-1963 he was in the Sabino Canyon about 40 miles Northeast of Tucson when 7 Angels in the shape of an “Inverted Pyramid.” (I will talk about Pyramids in another message.) Let us get Branham’s exact words. — “Brother Branham said: Science took the picture all the way from Mexico as it moved from northern Arizona, where the Holy Spirit said I would be standing (forty miles northeast of Tucson). And it went into the air, and “Life” magazine packed the pictures: a mystic something way in the spheres there there can be no moisture, where there can be no evaporation of anything, thirty miles high and twenty-seven miles across and coming right up from where those Angels were. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.INV-3 N-12 SUNDAY_ 65-0418M”.

Before I present Branham’s sermons and his followers comments I want you to notice the incident took place February 28 1963 but his first message on the cloud was given April 4 1965. (65-0418) which was over 2 years later. There is a reason I am pointing this out as you will see later in the message.

Followers of William Branham believe that he prophesied the appearance of “The Cloud” in “Reproach for the cause of the Word” December 23, 1962 which was a little over 2 months before it supposedly Happen. Let us look at his message on that day.

He claimed he had a vision — And I–I looked up, and kind of in the shape of a pyramid, standing before me, was little small birds, something like a half-inch long. And they were up at the top on the limbs, they was a–may say three or four, and the next–next limb had maybe eight or ten, and down at the bottom had fifteen or twenty. They were little warriors, because their feathers was beaten; and looked like they were trying to talk to me, saying something ‘And I was in the west, seemingly around Tucson, Arizona. — Then all of a sudden, one bird begin to take the other one’s place–jumping like that–and they, the little birds, swiftly left, flying eastward. And when they did, from that came a larger bird, more like doves, with the pointed wings; and–and–and they come in a swarm and swiftly–more swift than what the little birds was–flew eastward. But here they come. And they were so terrifically fast, till I thought when it lifted up… I heard that explosion like, or like a blast that went out, like a sound barrier; and when it did, I thought, “Well, this must mean that I’m fixing to be killed (See?) in a blast of some sort.” And–and I–and while I thought on those things, I thought, “No, it wouldn’t be that, because if it was a blast, it would’ve got Joseph too, because there he is still talking, thinking that I’m there. I can hear him. It wasn’t that.” And no more than the second group of birds come by, I looked to the west; and it looked like in a form of a pyramid, like two on each side with one in the top, came five of the mightiest Angels I ever seen in my life. Such a terrific speed I never seen…They were around me. I couldn’t see them, but I’d been brought into this constellation of a pyramid of them, inside this constellation of–of Angels, of five. And I thought, “Now, a death angel would be one, five would be grace.”It just seem to just shakes me, that blasting, and that swift coming of those Angels, like that, five of them together in a constellation of them, like–kind of like a… Like I had that pyramid drawn here.

There isn’t any mentioned of a Cloud or a Cloud Visible to the Public. Have you notice his continue mentioning of a “Pyramid” in his sermons?Keep this in the back of your mind for later. Also notice there were 5 Angels in this Vision and he couldn’t make up his mind if there was a blast or not.

In Lee Vayle book “”The Twentieth Century Prophet” he writes he met with William Branham on December 26, 1962 and speculated whether the vision could relate to an unveiling of the seven thunders of Revelation 10. After the meeting with Lee Vayle Branham’s Next Sermon was “Sirs, what is the time?” December 30, 1962 the number of the Angels changed to 7 instead of 5. Why did the Angels number changed in one week? Let us look at that sermon.

“By the help of God, I’ll be here when this thing is finished and preach the Seven Seals;”’I’m asking you the question. It blasted with thunder when this voice rung out. Did you notice that when the seven seals, that followed the seven church ages; when the first seal was opened, that there was a thunder? The first seals in the Book was opened, there was a thunder. Could it be that? The mighty thunder, or the seventh angel in the seven constellation, seventh period constellation, the pyramid made in a form, three on a side, and one on top, and they dropped from eternity. Could it be? Is this the mystery of the thunders that will bring back the Headstone?…

To understand the above Branham was trying to say he was the seventh angel that is the cap on the Pyramid. This will be presented in another Message.

In the Sermon “Rising of the Sun” sermon on April 18 1965 is when he first mentioned the cloud which was a little over 2 years from the time the incident happened. After his meeting with Lee Vayle His sermon on March 4 1963 he preached in Huston Texas and never mentioned the Cloud, Angels, or Blast. If this happened than why didn’t he mention it 4 days later. The sermons on the 7 seals, March 17 to March 24, he mentioned the 7 Angels in an inverted Pyramid and the Blast sounding like a Thunder but never mentioned a Cloud.

My question is Why? If this happened as he claimed in his sermon “Rising of the Sun” than why didn’t he mentioned the incident for quite a while. Common sense will say if that happened than I will be telling everyone I came in contact with. The first sermon giving about the 7 Angels in an inverted pyramid and the blast was mentioned shortly afterwards but the News Paper had it as a sonic Boom from Jets overhead and it even broke windows out. He picked up on that News account but still nothing about the Cloud.

May 17 1963 Life Magazine had a picture of the cloud over Flagstaff and Science Magazine had a Picture on April 19 1963. But Branham didn’t started giving sermons about the cloud until 1965 which was shortly after he saw the pictures. From his sermons and actual facts I realized Branham added more to his story as he learned more. Also Life Magazine had another cloud picture at the same time. Why Didn’t Branham mention the second Cloud?

North East of Tucson will place it over Flagstaff, Arizona. There was a Mysterious Cloud appearing over Flagstaff on the evening of 2-28-1963 and the cloud could be seen 28 minutes after Sundown. It was Moving West to East but there are not any records of the Wind Blowing from Tucson to Flagstaff at any height. That cloud appeared in the Evening and not in the Morning as Branham stated.

Branham lied as he did in his other messages. He wanted to present himself as another Elijah and the only way to do this was his stories of the Supernatural Encounters he supposedly had. He lied about his Childhood and year he was born in.

I pray if you read this message, you will continue reading the rest.

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